Relief & Recovery Psychotherapy
RO DBT Skills Group Classes
​Do you identify with any or all of these struggles?
Are you constantly stressed?
Wish it was easier to relax?
Are you plagued by a fear of failure?
Do you “hold in” your negative emotions?
Obsess over small details?
Are you unable to cope with a change of plans?
If this sounds like you, you may struggle with an "overcontrolled" coping style and benefit from RO DBT skills classes.​
​What is RO DBT?
Radically Open Dialectical Behavior Therapy (RO DBT) is an evidence based treatment for individuals who have problems associated with excessive self-control, often referred to as an emotionally overcontrolled (OC) coping or personality style. Although high self-control is generally a good quality, and valued by our society, research indicates that too much self-control can be problematic and can lead to chronic mental health problems. Individuals with an OC coping style exhibit such a high level of self-control that it interferes with their ability to function effectively, connect well with others, and be flexible.
Problems with overcontrol often frequently underlie eating disorders. However, RO DBT was not designed for one specific diagnosis and can be effective in improving the functioning in
Anorexia nervosa and other restrictive disordered eating
Obsessive-compulsive personality disorder
Treatment-resistant anxiety and depression,
Autism spectrum disorders.
How will RO DBT help me?
Less self-judgment and social comparison
Adapt to changing plans
Decreased people pleasing
Better ability to relax and have fun
More authentic relationships
​What is the difference between RO DBT and DBT?
Traditional Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT) was developed to help clients with problems related to an “under-controlled” style of coping. For example, individuals who have a hard time regulating their emotions or often engage in impulsive behaviors. RO DBT is a treatment for clients who tend to struggle with excessive control and rigid thinking patterns. A more detailed sumary of the differences is available here.
Is it group therapy?
No! The focus of classes is skill acquisition – not therapy. The RO DBT course curriculum contains 30 lessons. Each 90-minute class covers one lesson. The classes are divided up into two 15-week “semesters.” You can sign up for one or both “semesters.”​
Interested in participating in an RO DBT Skills Class?