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How to Cope with Coronavirus Anxiety?

Writer's picture: Alexa Shank, MS, LPC, CEDSAlexa Shank, MS, LPC, CEDS

Does the COVID-19 have you feeling anxious? Or maybe you're feeling stir-crazy and uncomfortable being out of your routine and stuck in quarantine. According to Dr. Russ Harris, author of The Happiness Trap and Acceptance and Commitment Therapy specialist, you should start by focusing on what's in your control. In fact, Dr. Harris has created an acronym with steps to help you cope with Coronavirus anxiety. But, what's great about these steps is that they can really be translated to a variety of distressing situations.

Don't Panic with medical mask

F= Focus on what's in your control

A= Acknowledge your thoughts and feelings

C= Come back into your body

E= Engage in what you're doing

C= Committed Action

O= Opening Up

V= Values

I=Identify Resources

D= Disinfect & Distance

To read more, take a look at the 'FACE COVID' material developed by Dr. Harris or his narrated animation of the steps below.


If you are struggling amid the Covid-19 crisis and live in the state of Texas, ask me about video and phone sessions.

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